First Year Medical Students Take the Hippocratic Oath
College of Health Sciences’ First-year Medical students pledged to be ethical medical practitioners during their orientation at the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine.
Dean and Head of the School of Clinical Medicine, Professor Richard Hift, led the students in saying the Hippocratic Oath, pledging they would conduct themselves according to the ethics of the medical profession upon completion of the intensive six-year programme. They pledged to serve humanity and committed themselves to lifelong learning.
During the Orientation, School of Laboratory Medicine and Medical Sciences (LMMS) Principal Programme Officer, Nokozo Mngadi, told the students they would spend the first three years of their Medical degree under LMMS, headed by Acting Dean and Head of School, Professor Musa Mabandla, and progress to their clinical training component doing programmes in Family Medicine, Public Health, Rural Health, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics offered by the Schools of Clinical Medicine and Nursing and Public Health, all within the College of Health Sciences.
College leadership, the College Student Support Services team and the Medical Students Representative Council (MSRC) congratulated the students for making it through into the first-year MBChB programme.
The event also served as an opportunity to orientate students on their six-year journey through Medical School.
Hift told the students that in six years they would be professionals qualified in ethical and legal practice; communication and interpersonal skills; patient and population focused care; team work and collaboration; information technology; leadership and management; cultural sensitivity; diversity management; continuous learning, and safety.
Nombuso Dlamini