Students Support Children in Need in Umlazi
Students from Fieldswood and Pinewood residences on the Edgewood campus organised an outreach, community development project at the Place of Safety orphanage in Umlazi.
The project idea was the brainchild of Life Assistant at the residences, Mr Mthobisi Mthembu, who identified a need to educate students about giving back to communities in Durban.
Residence Life Officer, Mr Julian King, said: ‘UKZN is not enclosed by the four walls which surround us while teaching and learning activities take place. The University extends to all communities in South Africa and across the world because we have vast numbers of students from all corners of the globe studying and working here.’
King said it was important to educate residence students about the needs of communities and the importance of responding to those needs.
Students at Edgewood residences donated food parcels and items of clothing which were handed over to the home on arrival. About 60 students who took part in various indigenous games with the children, said it had been a life changing experience for them.
The children performed a traditional skit for their UKZN visitors with day’s events culminating in a braai and hand over of gifts for the kids.
Staff at the home thanked students for their involvement and wished them well in the future.
Julian King