PhD Graduate Explores Provision of Efficient Transport System in Iran
PhD graduate, Dr Farhad Razkhaneh, has applauded the academic atmosphere provided by UKZN, especially for doctoral students as ‘it contributes greatly to the academic achievements of scholars’.
Graduating with a Doctor of Philosophy (Economics), Razkhaneh attributed his achievements throughout his studies to the support of his supervisor.
‘My sincere thanks goes to my supervisor, Professor Trevor Jones, who meticulously read through the drafts and provided me with valuable editorial suggestions, guiding me with technical comments, criticisms, and support through the various stages of the writing and completion of my thesis.
‘His efforts, knowledge and experience in international trade and transportation, maritime matters and merchant shipping related issues contributed towards the success of this thesis.’
Razkhaneh’s thesis, titled: “The Provision of Efficient Transport Services in the Iranian Maritime and Land Transport Interface”, investigates the efficiency of Iran's transport system with reference to the sea-borne trade and sustainable development of ports, shipping services, logistics centres and transit corridors as the overall objective.
‘In order to successfully analyse the provision of efficient transport services in the Iranian maritime and land transport interface, the emerging Iranian transport corridors have been under close observation, and a scenario planning approach mixed with a descriptive exploratory comparative cost analysis has been applied.’
Razkhaneh, who has over 20 years working experience in the field of shipping and maritime related jobs, said he wanted to teach in the maritime field.
He said there was a cluster of corridors passing through Iran which could shorten the distance between Asia and Europe with improved cost and time.
He said the aim of this research was to understand how Iran could develop a multimodal trade and transportation system.
He said highlights of his time at UKZN include living among hospitable people of Durban and doing research in an institution which provides a unique chance for Higher Education for everybody equally.
He acknowledged his family for the support they gave him during his studies.
Sithembile Shabangu