UKZN Academics Attend Crop Improvement Workshop in India
UKZN’s Professor Hussein Shimelis and Professor Pangirayi Tongoona attended the 4th International Workshop on Next Generation Genomics and Integrated Breeding for Crop Improvement at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India.
The workshop was organised by ICRISAT in collaboration with the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme (GCP), the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), the Government of India, and the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on Grain Legumes and CGIAR Research Programme (CRP) on dryland cereals.
Next generation sequencing and high throughput genotyping technologies in plant breeding were discussed at the workshop which was attended by more than 150 delegates from 20 countries.
Shimelis and Tongoona supervise doctoral students in collaboration with Dr Rajeev Varshney of ICRISAT. These students are actively applying advanced genomics tools for their pigeonpea molecular breeding to improve yield and abiotic stress tolerance.
- UKZNDabaOnline