UKZN Celebrates Arbor Day
‘The first week in September is Arbor Week when anyone and everyone the world over is encouraged to plant trees.’ So says Alison Young, Chief Horticulturist at UKZN’s Botanical Gardens.
‘In South Africa the Department of Forestry has, in an effort to increase public awareness of indigenous trees, recommended two specific trees to be planted each year,’ she explained. ‘They call these the Trees of the Year. We do plant these if they are available.’
In commemoration of Arbor Day, UKZN staff and students drawn from the Humanities, Commerce and Life Sciences participated in a special tree-planting ceremony at two venues on the Pietermaritzburg campus.
‘Some Commerce students asked for shade trees at the swimming pool so four trees were planted there,’ said Young. ‘Then the grounds staff asked that trees also be planted at the new Medical residence next to Dennison.’
Small trees and colourful shrubs were planted in groups of three in an effort to break the concrete atmosphere.
‘All the trees are indigenous and grown in the Botanical Gardens and Arboretum of the School of Life Sciences,’ said Young. ‘The trees are left over from Ecology projects in Biology degrees.’
Young thanked Mr Andreas Chonco and his Grounds staff and as well as the Sports Grounds staff for helping to dig and prepare holes at short notice. She also thanked Mr Dave Evans for organising the staff and refreshments. As Chief Horticulturist, Young was responsible for organising the trees.
‘The event went really well and was lots of fun,’ said Life Sciences PhD student Lindy Thompson.
Contact: Alison Young, 033 260 5154, 082 406 5638,
Sally Frost