06 September 2019
Volume: 7
Issue: 49
Executive Management, staff and students standing in solidarity with the country in fighting against GBV.

UKZN Will Not Tolerate GBV

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The University of KwaZulu-Natal has reiterated its stance on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) – joining the country in expressing outrage and condemnation at the horrific cases of violence against women and children which continue to persist.

UDkt Vanessa Moodley uhlabane nge-HPCSA Health Merit Award.

Uthole Umklomelo WezeMpilo

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UDkt Vanessa Moodley ofundisa ezaMehlo eNyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natal uklonyeliswe ngendondo i-Health Professions Council of South Africa (i-HPCSA) Health Merit Award engqungqutheleni yaminyaka yonke yale nhlangano ebise-Emperors Palace, eGoli.

Professor Willem Hanekom is the new Director of the Africa Health Research Institute.

World-Renowned TB Expert Appointed New Director of Africa Health Research Institute

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The Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) has announced that Professor Willem Hanekom has been appointed as its new Director, following an extensive international search.

UNks Kwanele Motha nencwadi yakhe ethi: Dark Secrets.

Isitshudeni Seziqu Ze-BCom Sibhale Incwadi

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Isitshudeni esenza unyaka wesithathu kwi-Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain and Marketing, uNks Kwanele Motha, sibhale incwadi yaso yokuqala.

UKZN stakeholders with Mpumalanga based alumni.

Mpumalanga Alumnus Lunch

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A group of 50 alumni from across Mpumalanga came together on 24 August for lunch and an information sharing presentation at Magnolia Restaurant in White River.

Highlights from the Women’s Day breakfast held at Edgewood campus.

Know Your Value, Women Urged

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International Relations at UKZN celebrated women at a Women’s Day breakfast for staff and students.

College of Humanities staff members were honoured at a celebratory dinner for their PhD achievements.

College of Humanities Celebrates its PhD Staff Graduates

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The College of Humanities hosted a celebratory dinner for its staff members who graduated with doctoral degrees.

Dr Sybert Mutereko, Dr Andrisha Beharry-Ramraj, Professor Irene Govender and Dr Joy Ndlovu.

Academics Attend Higher Education Leadership and Management Programme

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College of Law and Management Studies academic leaders, Professor Irene Govender, and Drs Sybert Mutereko, Joy Ndlovu and Andrisha Beharry-Ramraj attended the Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) programme held in Pretoria.

Professor Debbie Ellis and Ms Shana Axcell in London.

UKZN Represented at International Marketing Conference

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Associate professor at the School of Management, Information Technology and Governance Professor Debbie Ellis and three of her former students and MCom (Marketing) graduates, Ms Shana Axcell, Ms Shree Maharaj and Ms Treneya Reddy recently presented papers at two of the most prestigious marketing conferences in the world.

Abesifazane kwezesayensi bezimisele nemiklomelo yabo. Kusukela kwesobunxele wuNks Devina Chetty, uNks Mbali Gwacela, uDkt Konstantina Velkushanova, uDkt Maria Schuld noNks Nobuhle Mchunu.

Ososayensi Besifazane base-UKZN Bakhuthazile Esidlweni Sasekuseni

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Ukugubha i-Science Week kazwelonke neNyanga yaBesifazene kaZwelonke, i-University of KwaZulu-Natal (i-UKZN) ibinomcimbi wesidlo waminyaka yonke wesithathu i-Wonder Women In Science (WWIS) e-Coastlands Hotel eThekwini.

Highlights from the JOMBA! Opening Night.

Stunning Contemporary Dance at Opening Night of 21st JOMBA!

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JOMBA! one of the few remaining contemporary dance festivals in South Africa, had a successful opening night at UKZN’s Elizabeth Sneddon theatre.

Scenes from the national goalball tournament held on the Pietermaritzburg campus.

UKZN Hosts Landmark National Goalball Tournament

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The UKZN goalball team continued its promotion of disability sport by hosting and participating in its first national tournament.

Speakers and participants at the Psychiatry Epidemiology Seminar.

Psychiatry Sheds Light on Psychosis Epidemiology

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UKZN’s Discipline of Psychiatry hosted an epidemiology seminar by renowned psychiatry researchers and professors in July.

From left: Professor Ernest Khalema, Professor Paulus Zulu, Mr Lungisa Fuzile, Dr Thabi Leoka, Ms Precious Lugayeni, and Mr Lukhona Mnguni who facilitated the proceedings.

Alternative Economics in a Time of Crisis

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The Maurice Webb Race Relations Unit within the College of Humanities recently hosted a panel discussion titled: Alternative Economics in A Time of Crisis: South Africa Today.

Students enrolled in the Global and Regional Trends in Public Administration module at the guest lecture.

Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice

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The US Consul General in Durban, Ms Sherry Zalika Sykes presented a guest lecture to third-year students enrolled in the Global and Regional Trends in Public Administration module.

New UKZN employees attend the onboarding programme.

New Employees Welcomed On Board

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UKZN’s Human Resources (HR) Division runs a two-day programme at the beginning of each quarter to welcome new employees to the University and orientate them.