11 September 2017
Volume: 5
Issue: 50
Mr Siyabonga Nxumalo.

UKZN Student Beats Odds to Secure Master’s Degree

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Despite challenging personal circumstances, Mr Siyabonga Nxumalo of Greytown in KwaZulu-Natal graduated with a Master of Social Sciences degree from UKZN.

Dr Beatrice Umubyeyi and her supervisor Professor Maheshvari Naidu.

PhD Graduate Probes Marital Conflict Within DRC Migrant Families

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Probing Marital Conflict Within the Context of Migrant Families from the Democratic Republic of Congo Living in Durban, was the title of Dr Beatrice Umubyeyi’s doctoral thesis.

Ms Gina Coetzee with her supervisor, Dr Eliza Govender.

Sexual Health of Young Women in the Spotlight of Masters Research

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Research on the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions young women have on sexual and reproductive health earned a graduate a Masters in Social Sciences degree.

Dr Yonela Scina graduates with her PhD in Anthropology from UKZN.

PhD Student Overcomes Health Scare to Graduate

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Dr Yonela Scina graduated with a PhD in Anthropology from UKZN despite a struggle with depression and health problems while she was pregnant.

Dr Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu who graduated with a PhD in International Relations.

Research Findings Contribute to Conflict Resolution in Africa

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Research examining related themes of conflict transformation, African unity and regional integration led to Dr Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu graduating with a PhD in International Relations.

South African theatre director, impresario and high profile arts personality Themi Venturas has graduated from UKZN with a Master of Arts degree.

SA Theatre Personality gets MA Degree

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One of South Africa's leading theatre directors and personalities, Themi Venturas, graduated with a Masters of Arts degree for his research titled: In Search of the Water: Interrogating Intercultural Performance with a Special Focus on Examining my Role in the Making of The Last Anniversary (2014).

Dr Sibonsile Zibande graduates with a PhD in Education.

Young Township People’s Sexual Cultures Explored in Doctoral Thesis

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A doctoral thesis by UKZN staff member Dr Sibonsile Zibande explored informal sexual cultures among young people in townships.

Ms Sana Ebrahim.

Deaf Pavement Poets Inspire Masters Graduate

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Fascination with a nature-themed performance by deaf pavement poets was the motivation behind the choice of research for a master’s degree by the co-founder of the Green Heart Movement and one of UKZN’s Top 40 Most Inspiring Students, Ms Sana Ebrahim.

Dr Lebala Kolobe receives her PhD in Science Education.

Doctorate for UKZN Staff Member

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UKZN staff member Dr Lebala Kolobe went from humble beginnings to great heights in obtaining her PhD in Science Education from UKZN.

New mom and Masters in Education cum laude graduate Ms Erin Rae Ballard.

New Mom Graduates with Cum Laude Master’s Degree

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Proud new mother Ms Erin Rae Ballard was all smiles when she went on stage to receive her Masters in Education cum laude degree from UKZN.

UKZN staff member Dr Bridget Campbell graduates with her PhD in Education.

PhD Research to Explore Influences on, and Possibilities for, a Teacher Educator

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UKZN staff member Dr Bridget Campbell, graduated with a PhD in Education following research about how she can use her past experiences and influences on her teaching to explore possibilities for her future practice.