26 May 2016
Volume: 4
Issue: 24
The Distinguished Teachers’ recipients with UKZN’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning, Professor Renuka Vithal, at the Distinguished Teachers’ Dinner.

Distinguished Teachers’ Awards for Four Top Academics

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Four senior UKZN academics - Dr Suzanne Francis, Professor Albert Modi, Professor Thabo Msibi and Ms Rosemary Quilling - were recognised for their excellence in teaching at the Distinguished Teachers’ Awards dinner hosted by the University Teaching and Learning Office (UTLO).

Dr Sibusiso Chalufu and student leaders at the Comsa Lounge on the Westville campus.

Academic Achievements of Student Leaders Honoured

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UKZN celebrated the academic achievements of student leaders at a gala dinner on the Westville campus.

UKZN runners geared for Comrades 2016.

Good Luck to Team UKZN!

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A team of dedicated long-distance runners, who moonlight as UKZN staff and students, will run in the 2016 Comrades Marathon on Sunday.

Professor Shirley Zinn (centre) seen with Professor Cheryl Potgieter (right) and Ms Zanele Hlophe.

Story of Adversity to Triumph Captivates Audience

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As part of the successful College of Humanities Transformation and Leadership Public Lecture Series, the highly anticipated new book Swimming Upstream: A Story of Grit and Determination to Succeed by Professor Shirley Zinn, was recently launched in partnership with Adams Books.

Delegates at the place-based cultural tourism meeting on UKZN’s Westville campus.

Traditional Leadership and UKZN Partner in Cultural Tourism

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An innovative approach to tourism in KwaZulu-Natal will see the combination of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) and place-based cultural tourism by capitalising on the destination’s history, heritage, stories, people, landscape, and local ways of knowing and value systems.

ADSAI launch team with Dr Sibusiso Chalufu, Executive Director: Student Services and guest speakers.

Anti-Drug and Substance Abuse Initiative Launched at UKZN

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An Anti-Drug and Substance Abuse Initiative (ADSAI) has been launched by UKZN’s HIV and AIDS Programme in partnership with South Africans Against Drunk Driving (SADD) and the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Development (KZN DSD).

“Evolution of Technology in Motor Cars” was the theme for Mechanical Engineering’s winning display at Cars in the Park.

Mechanical Engineering Discipline Wins Best Individual Display at Cars in the Park

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UKZN’s Discipline of Mechanical Engineering won the Best Individual Display at the annual Cars in the Park show held in Pietermaritzburg.

Prospective MBA students and GSB&L staff and associates seen at the MBA Open Evening.

Graduate School of Business and Leadership hosts Open Evening

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Aspirant Master of Business Administration (MBA) students heard about how the qualification will enhance their business and leadership acumen during a recent Open Evening.

Delegates at the UNAIDS ESA (Eastern and Southern Africa regional support team) advisory committee meeting in March.

HEARD Co-Hosts Future of AIDS Financing Meeting

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The Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD) and the UNAIDS Regional Support Team (RST) for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) - in collaboration with the World Bank Global AIDS Programme -  co-hosted the first meeting of the Eastern and Southern Africa Advisory Committee on Investment, Efficiency and Sustainability for the AIDS response.

Supply Chain Student Association members.

Supply Chain Students Interact with Industry Experts at Seminar

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The Supply Chain Student Association (SCSA) hosted a seminar to inform students about how the theory they learn in class is practically applied in the supply chain industry.

Dr Alice Hezemba.

HIV Study Examines Choices and Decision Outcomes on Infant Feeding

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Dr Alice Ngoma Hazemba of Zambia conducted a study that analysed choices and decision outcomes on infant feeding in the context of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

Professor Michael Ashby with his son Michael.

Visiting Fulbright Scholar Sharing his Expertise at School of Chemistry

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The School of Chemistry and Physics at UKZN is hosting visiting Fulbright Scholar, Professor Michael Ashby, on an eight-month teaching and curriculum development visit.


The UKZN Griot. Of Publics and Populism

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Academics can change the world.  But there is a rider, says Savo Heleta, in The Conversation [1]. Academics must stop talking (only) to their peers.

The School of Accounting, Economics and Finance rewarded academic excellence of future Chartered Accountants.

UKZN-SAICA Awards Ceremony Celebrates Student Excellence

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The School of Accounting, Economics and Finance in partnership with the SA Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) celebrated academic excellence at the recent UKZN–SAICA Students Awards Ceremony.


Community Engagement at UKZN

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Responsible Community Engagement (RCE), is Goal Two of UKZN’s Strategic Plan (2007-2016), which aims to contribute to the prosperity and sustainability of KwaZulu-Natal and to nation-building by connecting and committing the entire University family to the communities we serve, in a manner that adds value and earns the people’s respect.

Abafundi be-Opera abaphume phambili ku-Dante Talent Show.

Abafundi base-UKZN baphume phambili ku-Dante Talent Show

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Click here for English version

Abafundi  be-Opera abayisikhombisa abangaphansi kwegama i- II-Dolce Canto baphume phambili ku-Dante Talent Show ebibanjelwe e-Italian Club ese-Durban North.

Boccia Sports Awareness Day in Clermont.

Encouraging Sport Mobility for People with Disabilities

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An exciting new sport has been introduced to disabled persons living in Clermont and the neighbouring KwaDabeka Township, thanks to UKZN students in partnership with the Clermont Youth Centre, Victory Homes and RP Moodley School for children with special needs.

UKZN’s Dean of Engineering, Professor Cristina Trois (left) with Ms Cristina van der Westhuyzen and Professor Rainer Stegmann of the International Waste Working Group.

Waste as a Resource, Topic of Dean of Engineering’s Royal Society Lecture

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The possibilities of waste as a resource were unpacked in a Royal Society Public Lecture presented by Dean and Head of the School of Engineering, Professor Cristina Trois.

Library launch.

Nursing Students Launch Resource Centre for ADHD Children

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Fourth-year Psychiatric nursing students Ms Zandile Magwaza, Ms Zama Jona, Ms Celimpilo Mchunu, Ms Nokuthulua Thusini and Mr Phumlani Madonsela of UKZN’s College of Health Sciences have launched a resource centre and a mini library for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their mothers at the Phoenix Clinic.

Aspirant students attend UKZN Open Days.

UKZN hosts Successful 2016 Open Days

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Aspirant students from Durban and Pietermaritzburg heard about degrees and programmes on offer at UKZN when they attended Information Open Days.

Postgraduate Clinical Medicine students hard at work in their research space.

Paper-in-a-Day Workshop a Great Success

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Academic Leader of Research in the School of Clinical Medicine, Professor Colleen Aldous, hosted a workshop for 13 postgraduate students in which space was created for them to write up their research in the form of a journal article in a single day.

Professor Everett Worthington (left) and Professor Basil Pillay.

UKZN hosts Forgiveness Conference

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UKZN’s Behavioral Medicine Department in collaboration with the Virginia Commonwealth University hosted the Forgiveness Research in South Africa Project Conference in Durban.

Physics researchers (from left) Professor Genene T Mola and Dr Giuseppe Pellicane, both of UKZN, and Professor Mesfin Tsige of the University of Akron.

Physics Researchers Work Featured in Respected US Journal

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Work - titled “Surface Enrichment Driven by Polymer Topology” - by a team of researchers in UKZN’s School of Chemistry and Physics has been published in the American Physical Society’s Physical Review, denoting its significance to the scientific community working in the fields of polymer and biological physics.

SRC members with Bhekisisa Majola (third from left), and Mr Siphiwo Majola (far right).

BAgric Students Elected to Represent Peers

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Two Bachelor of Agriculture (BAgric) students in UKZN’s School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SAEES), have been elected to two student representative bodies, one of them nationally.

Dr Sifiso Mtshali and Professor Deenan Pillay celebrate with nurses.

International Nurses Day Celebrated at Africa Centre

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More than 50 nurses from the Africa Centre, K-RITH, the Department of Health and the SA National Defence Force celebrated International Nurses Day.

Renowned architect Mr Hans Hallen visiting John Bews residence and viewing some of his drawings.

Renowned Architect Hans Hallen visits UKZN Residences

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Renowned architect and one of the first graduates in Architecture at the former University of Natal, Mr Hans Hallen, recently made his first visit to UKZN’s Mabel Palmer, John Bews, and Scully Hall residences on the Durban campus, since designing and building the student accommodation in the early 1960s.