30 April 2015
Volume: 3
Issue: 22
UKZN’s Professor Frances Lund (right) with the Director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research, Professor Robert van Niekerk.

UKZN Academic awarded Honorary Doctorate from Rhodes University

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Professor Frances Lund of the School of Built Environment and Development Studies (BEDS) has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Rhodes University in recognition of her work as a Social Policy Analyst and Welfare Activist.

Third South African Medical Journal publication for UKZN academic.

UKZN Academic has Three Papers Published in Prestigious Medical Journal

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School of Clinical Medicine senior academic, Dr Colleen Aldous, has co-authored three papers published by the South African Medical Journal (SAMJ) this year.

UKZN’s Dr Inno Davidson with the SAIEE Deputy President, André Hoffmann.

UKZN academic made Fellow of the SA Institute of Electrical Engineers

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Dr Inno Davidson of the School of Engineering at UKZN was recently made a Fellow of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE).

Dr Peter Owira with his group of students in the Pharmacology laboratory.

Study Proves Grapefruit Juice Lowers Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients

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Intrigued by the therapeutic effects of grapefruit juice (GFJ) when consumed by people with Diabetes, UKZN’s Dr Peter Owira has explored the mechanisms by which...

Albie Sachs urges South Africans to use the values of the constitution to build a just society.

Struggle Hero Dismayed by Xenophobia Violence


Struggle hero Albie Sachs has expressed his dismay about the recent violent xenophobic attacks, reminding local people that many...

UKZN marches against xenophobic attacks.

UKZN Marches Against Xenophobic Attacks

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UKZN Chancellor, Dr Zweli Mkhize, staff and students joined a march that began at Curries Fountain to show solidarity against the...

Volunteers hand out baby supplies to Durbans Xenophobia victims.

UKZN Health Sciences Community Assists Xenophobia Victims

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UKZN medical students and staff teamed up with representatives of the South African Medical Association (SAMA), the Islamic Medical Association and Doctors, to assist...

UKZN’s Mr Tony Singarum.

UKZN Staffer Graduates with a Masters Degree

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Mr Tony Singarum balanced family responsibilities, long-distance running, tertiary education studies and duties at his UKZN job to graduate with an M Admin.

Abafundi beAfrican Music and Dance 3A.

Ikhonsathi I- Urban African Culture Lunch Hour Concert

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Click here for English version

Isikole SobuCiko (KwezoMculo) sethule ikhonsathi yaso yokuqala i-Lunch Hour Concert yonyaka wezi-2015 lapho...

NSTF-BHP Billiton award winner Professor Azwinndini Muronga with learners from the Umkhumbane Schools Project during his Science Show at UKZN’s Science and Technology Education Centre (STEC).

Share and Dare Programme at UKZN

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About 75 youngsters from five schools which are part of the Umkhumbane Schools Project, attended a National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF) Share 'n Dare Programme held at UKZN’s Science and Technology Education Centre (STEC).

Fourth year UKZN Nursing students on set.

Nursing Students Showcase importance of HIV testing among Mental Health Care Users

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A group of six Psychiatric nursing students - supported by Discipline of Nursing head Professor Gugu Mchunu and Lecturer Mrs Ann Jarvis - have produced a short HIV awareness film aimed at people in mental health care.

Professor Matthew Lester.

Students Hear About how to Make Smart Financial Choices

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Empowering students to prepare for financial challenges they will face as graduates was the goal of a lifestyle presentation delivered by financial planning specialist...


The UKZN Griot. Of Rugby and Protesting

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It’s really fascinating observing UKZN from afar. Here in Gauteng students make little distinction between UKZN, DUT and UNIZULU. Mangosuthu ain’t even on the dial, no matter what its Rector earns. They all blur into one another.

Dr Mosa Moshabela.

UKZN’s Rural Health Head Awarded Multi-million Rand Fellowship

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Head of UKZN’s Department of Rural Health, Dr Mosa Moshabela, has been awarded a Research Training Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine from the United Kingdom’s Wellcome Trust worth more than R8,5 million.

Professor Betty Mubangizi congratulates Dr Samuel Mutukaa.

Kenyan Academic graduates with PhD

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“Project Implementation in a Decentralized State: Evaluation of the Constituency Development Fund projects for Food Security in Kenya”, was the title of the thesis of College of Law and Management Studies Doctor of Business Administration graduate, Dr Samuel Mutukaa.

From left: Ms Kenda Knowles, Ms Heather Prince and Ms Deveshnie Mudaly.

UKZN Students to Attend Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

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Three students from UKZN’s Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science have been selected to attend the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany in June 2015.

The Nelson R Mandela Medical School Class of 1985 with their families.

Reunion of Medical School Class of ‘85

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About 80 medical doctors from all over the world attended the Medical School’s Class of ‘85 reunion held over three days recently.

Science lessons for children at an Isipingo refugee camp.

UKZN Scientists Take Proactive Stand Against Xenophobia

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Scientists at UKZN are taking a proactive stand against xenophobia – by teaching science!

CAES staff and students at the annual eThekwini/UKZN STEM Career Week.

UKZN Supports Symposium for Stem Careers

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More than 2 000 pupils from schools in the eThekwini Metro attended the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Careers Symposium on the Edgewood campus.

Staff of the College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science with representatives of AGRA and the students on the Masters Plant Breeding Programme.

Official launch of Masters Programme in Plant Breeding

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The new Masters Programme in Plant Breeding in the School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Science (SAEES) was officially launched in the presence of representatives of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), the College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science (CAES) and staff members of SAEES.

Ms Samantha Naidoo with a lemur at the conference venue in Madagascar.

UKZN student a prize winner at African Small Mammal Symposium in Madagascar

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PhD student in the School of Life Sciences, Ms Samantha Naidoo, won second prize for her oral student presentation at the 12th International African Small Mammal Symposium.


Masters Graduate to continue TB Research in Johannesburg

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Ms Lavania Joseph will complete her internship at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in Johannesburg after obtaining her Masters degree in Medical Sciences at UKZN.

Staff at the College Office: Agriculture, Engineering and Science enjoying their annual teambuilding event.

Life After Graduation!

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With the mammoth task of UKZN’s annual graduation ceremonies behind them, staff from the College Office: Agriculture, Engineering and Science, let their hair down and enjoyed some well-earned fun in the sun.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology’s CAESAR CHIEFS team won this year’s College of Health Sciences Quiz.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology team wins College of Health Sciences Quiz

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The winners of this year’s College of Health Sciences (CHS) Quiz were once again CAESAR CHIEFS from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Dr Marcello Lorrai with Dr Salim Washington (UKZN).

Italian Musicologist Discusses SA Jazz at UKZN

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As part of the European Union’s Inspiring Thinkers Series, Italian  Musicologist Dr Marcello Lorrai was at UKZN’s Centre for Jazz and Popular Music (CJPM) to discuss the influence of the South African jazz diaspora in Europe since 1960.