04 December 2013
Volume: 1
Issue: 14
Panelists light a candle in remembrance.

Putting the "I" into HIV

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UKZN’s College of Health Sciences together with its partners CAPRISA, K-RITH, Health Systems Trust, HEARD and the National Health Laboratory Services hosted a panel discussion on the theme: “Putting the ‘I’ into HIV– New Approaches in Developing Person-Centred Interventions to Fight the Epidemic”.

Professor Dorrit Posel with the College of Humanities Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Cheryl Potgieter.

Labour, Migration and Marriage Through the Microscope of Micro-Data

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Professor Dorrit (Dori) Posel of the School of Built Environment and Development Studies (BEDS) recently gave her Inaugural Lecture at the Howard College Theatre on “Labour, Migration and Marriage through the Microscope of Micro-data”.

Dr Maria Keet.

Nomination for Best Paper Award at ER 2013

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Dr Maria Keet, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, received a nomination for the Best Paper Award at the 32nd International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2013) in Hong Kong.

Professors Nelson Ijumba and Deresh Ramjugernath.

UKZN Fellows of Academy of Engineers

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UKZN Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Professor Nelson Ijumba, and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Innovation, Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship, Professor Deresh Ramjugernath, have been inducted as Fellows of the South African Academy of Engineers (SAAE).

Dr Kogieleum Naidoo (right) received an award during the 44th World Conference on Lung Health.

International TB Prize for CAPRISA’s Dr Kogieleum Naidoo

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Dr Kogieleum Naidoo of UKZN’s Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), has been awarded the Union 2013 Scientific prize in recognition of the impact of her work in international tuberculosis (TB) and HIV care.

API President Ms Federica Bellusci (centre) with some of the International and local delegates as well as consular representatives at the Conference.

Italian Professionals Meet at Medical School

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The Association of Italian Professionals (API) held its 12th International Conference at UKZN’s Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine campus.

Passion and compassion collide with Group Six’s prosthetic arm.

Mechanical Engineering Students Dazzle at Open Day

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A prosthetic arm, a solar-powered car, an automated beer brewing machine and an aerospace propulsion test-stand were among exhibits on display at this year’s Mechanical Engineering Open Day, held at the School of Engineering building on the Howard College campus.

Architecture staff with students after the design portfolios external examination.

Architecture Students Display Portfolios for Exams

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The Architecture Discipline within the School of Built Environment and Development Studies held a display of student design portfolios for external examination on the Howard College campus.

Dr Zdenek Hel.

Contraception and Increased Risk of HIV-1 Acquisition Debated

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UKZN’s College of Health Sciences and the K-RITH Research Lecture Series hosted a talk by Dr Zdenek Hel, Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology and the Department of Microbiology at the University of Alabama in the United States.

Ms Grany Senyolo, UKZN Agricultural Economics Lecturer.

Agricultural Economists Meet the Mark

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Agricultural Economics Lecturer and PhD Student Ms Grany Senyolo attended the 3rd International Conference on Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) in Accra, Ghana, in September 2013...

GSB&L doctoral students preparing for the research seminar.

Academic Potential of PhD Students Explored At Seminar

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The Graduate School of Business and Leadership (GSB&L) recently hosted a Seminar aimed to stimulate both the creative and intellectual aspects of doctoral students.

Ms Christine Cuénod.

New Networking Facilitator for Friends of UKZN Agriculture

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Ms Christine Cuénod has joined the ranks of the School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences as the new Networking Facilitator for Friends of UKZN Agriculture (FOA)

Members of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature and Associates at a meeting of the Commission in Singapore, with UKZN’s Professor Emeritus Denis Brothers on the far left.

Meeting of Animal Naming Committee

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The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), comprising 26 expert, voluntary commissioners from 19 different countries, attended a Special Meeting in Singapore last month.

UKZN’s Opera Studio and Choral Academy senior students who performed at their Opera year-end recital event at the Jubilee Hall.

UKZN’s Year-End Recital Hailed as a Grand Affair

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The School of Arts, Music Discipline at UKZN recently held its Opera year-end recital event at the Jubilee Hall which saw many avid Opera lovers attend.

RMS staff successfully completed the educators training for the truth about drugs.

Initiative to Help Staff Fight Drug Abuse

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The incidence of drug use and abuse on UKZN campuses is growing resulting in Risk Management Services (RMS) starting an initiative aimed to make staff better informed and proactive to counteract the scourge.

From left: Professor Malegapuru Makgoba; Mrs Phumla Mnganga; Professor Jane Meyerowitz; Professor Nelson Ijumba and Mr Charles Poole.

Farewell to Three UKZN Executive Members

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The University bid a fond farewell to three members of its Executive Management during the year-end Council dinner on the Westville campus this week.

Sim Whiteley prize-winner in Classics, Ms Claire Brown.

Classics Student Wins Whiteley Prize

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Classics student Ms Claire Brown has been awarded the Sim Whiteley prize for hard work and dedication in her study of Latin.

UNksz Sally Juckes.

Ophethe isigaba seLeisure neTourism eBDO wayengumfundi weAccounting

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Ukuthuthukisa ezokungcebeleka nezokuvakasha enkampanini yesihlanu ezinkulu emhlabeni ezigcina-mabhuku kuyingxenye yomsebenzi wakhe kowayengumfundi eUKZN uNksz Sally Juckes.

Dr Arushka Naidoo.

First Indian Woman Orthorpaedic Surgeon in South Africa

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UKZN supervised and trained medical officer, Dr Arushka Naidoo, recently graduated through the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa as the first Indian woman Orthorpaedic Surgeon in the country.

Dr Cynthia Chiang.

It’s all in the Stars!

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“Astrophysics from Antarctica”, was the title of a public talk given by Senior Lecturer in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Dr Cynthia Chiang.

Long Service awards recipients: Mr Christopher Browne, Ms Sheila Devaraj, Mr Ashwen Singh and Mr Mike Morum with Professor John Mubangizi.

College of Law and Management Studies Awards Ceremony

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The College of Law and Management Studies held its year-end function on the Westville campus recently to acknowledge and recognise staff excellence.

Ms Nellie Somers in the Long Room of Dublin’s Trinity College Library.

Librarian of the Year Returns After Visit to Trinity College in Ireland

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KwaZulu-Natal’s Librarian of the Year for 2012, Ms Nellie Somers, recently returned from a short visit to the Preservation and Conservation Department at the Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland.

Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering students at their Open Day.

Innovative and Futuristic Designs at Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering Open Day

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Students thrilled parents and the public with high tech projects and innovative designs at the School of Engineering’s Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (EEC) annual project open day and awards function.

Two mile Reef in Sodwana Bay, home to 130-odd coral species, is a focal point for UKZN Marine research.

UKZN Marine Science Students on the Crest at Bi-annual WIOMSA Symposium

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Postgraduate students from the Marine Sciences Department attended the 8th (Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association) WIOMSA Scientific Symposium held in Maputo, Mozambique.

From left: Ms Hellen Nyangoya; Lead Writer, Child Protection in Emergencies, Dr Angela Raven-Roberts; Childline representative, Ms Joan Van Niekerk; DVC, Professor Cheryl Potgieter; and Professor Thokozani Xaba.

College of Humanities Hosts CPIE Gala Dinner

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The School of Built Environment and Development Studies hosted a gala dinner for their Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) postgraduate diploma curriculum writers and funders.

Dr Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan.

UKZN Researcher Gives Keynote Address at DUT Research Awards Ceremony

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Dr Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan of the School of Education at UKZN was the guest speaker at the Durban University of Technology’s (DUT) 2013 Annual Research Awards event at the Durban Country Club.

CPiE Postgraduate Diploma Writers and UKZN staff working together to assess and develop a diploma curriculum.

Writers’ Workshop on Postgraduate Diploma in Child Protection in Emergencies

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The School of Built Environment and Development Studies recently held a three-day writers’ curriculum development workshop for the Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) postgraduate diploma.

Ms Bridgett Majola.

UKZN Alumnus Excels in the Legal Sector

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Winning the Ellie Newman Memorial Moot Final Competition in 2006 was an indication that Ms Bridgett Majola’s passion for law would translate into a successful career… and it has!

Ms Slindile Khumalo with students performing the Isishiyameni dance.

8th Annual Cultural Calabash Works a Treat

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As African Rhythm Calls, Let Us Respond in Unity - this was the theme of the 8th Annual Cultural Calabash, which celebrates both the country’s diversity and unity by presenting a spectrum of traditional African music and dance.