21 November 2013
Volume: 1
Issue: 12
Ms Nokwanda Nzuza with her PhD Supervisor Dr Maheshvari Naidu.

UKZN Cum Laude Student Continues to Shine

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Ms Nokwanda Nzuza, who graduated with a Masters’ degree in Anthropology Cum Laude earlier this year, has continued to shine and make UKZN proud.

Leap of Faith CD launched.

Leap Of Faith CD Launched

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Musicians at UKZN’s Centre for Jazz and Popular Music in partnership with colleagues at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in the United States have released a CD titled: “Leap of Faith”.

From left: Dr Aldrin Mutembei, Professor Gregory Kamwendo, Professor Nobuhle Hlongwa; Executive Secretary of the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN), Professor Sozinho Matsinhe, and Professor Nhlanhla Mkhize.

African Languages Colloquium Hailed as a Success

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The Teaching and Learning Unit within the College of Humanities recently held its African Languages Colloquium over two days at the UNITE Building at UKZN.

Ms Kara Hoffman and Dr Neethie Joseph at the 29th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics.

Audiologists Fly UKZN Flag in Italy

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Two UKZN academics presented the results of their survey of Audiologists in South Africa at the 29th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) in Italy.

Front from right: Dr Thandi Magojo, Dr Tanusha Raniga and Professor Nhlanhla Mkhize.

School of Applied Human Sciences Bids Farewell to Postgraduate International Students

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The Friends of the International Students (FoIS) from the School of Applied Human Sciences recently hosted a farewell function for its postgraduate international students.

From left: Ms Zoleka Mkhabela; Mr Muhammed Bilaal Ismail; Executive Director: Student Services, Dr Sibusiso Chalufu; Ms Simphiwe Ngwenya; Ms Wandile Nhlapo and the Director of Golden Key South Africa, Ms Charlene Gunter.

Golden Key New Member Recognition Ceremony

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Stormy weather did little to dampen enthusiasm at the Golden Key International Honour Society’s Annual New Member Ceremony held at the M H Joosub Hall on the Westville campus.

Dr Orli Bass and Dr Jennifer Houghton present their research on the experiences of young Geographers in South Africa.

Seminar on Critical Reflections on the Experiences of Young Geographers in SA

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A research seminar concentrating on some of the main opportunities and challenges faced by early career Human Geographers in South Africa was held at UKZN recently.

Ms Amy Harpur.

UKZN Alumnus has the Recipe for Success

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UKZN Law graduate Ms Amy Harpur is enjoying success in the field of mining law. Harpur’s passion for law, combined with her legal skills obtained while completing her LLB degree,

UKZN’s Discipline of Pharmaceutical Sciences staff who attended the Team Based Learning workshop.

UKZN Explores Team Based Learning

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UKZN’s Discipline of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) hosted a workshop on The Team Based Learning (TBL) Approach at the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine campus.

From left: Mr Njabulo Zuma, Professor Fanie Botha and Mrs Nadia Lasich.

Refresher Course for Academics a Hit at UKZN

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UKZN’s College of Health Sciences recently hosted a refresher programme for its academic staff which focused on policies and guidelines pertinent to achieving and maintaining good governance in research-related activities in the Higher Education sector.

Grade 12 learners from rural KwaXimba.

UKZN Academics on Outreach Programme in KwaXimba

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UKZN academics partnered with Urban Herd Boys - a non-profit organisation facilitating access to tertiary institutions for rural learners from previously disadvantaged backgrounds...

Kumgubho weminyaka engama-25 we-UNITE (ngakwesobunxele) Mnu Noel Powell, Sol Jane Meyerowitz, Dkt Rudi Kimmie kanye nowayengumfundi kwi-UNITE, Mnu Sbu Shabalala, osengumphathi omkhulu weAdapt lt Ltd.

Uhlelo Lwe-UNITE – Iminyaka Engama-25 Ingungqaphambili KwezeMfundo Ephakame!

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‘Uhlelo i-UNITE lwangilungiselela lokhu engiyikho namuhla,’ kusho usomabhizinisi onempumelelo futhi ongumphathi omkhulu we-Adapt lt, uMnu

Professor Frederick Veldman.

UKZN Academic Wins Prestigious Nutrition Award

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A leading academic in Dietetics and Human Nutrition, Professor Frederick Veldman, has won the Nestlé Nutrition Institute of Africa Award in the category of overall nutrition.

Ms Sandra Hildbrand.

Research Examines Shortcomings of Sugarcane Industry

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Graduate School of Business and Leadership’s Postdoctoral Fellow, Ms Sandra Hildbrand presented a paper titled: “Miller-Grower Fragmentation: A Core Challenge in the South African Sugarcane Production and Supply Systems”

The University of KwaZulu-Natal delegation with staff members from the Great Zimbabwe University.

College of Humanities Setting up Training Programme in Zimbabwe

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UKZN’s College of Humanities is setting up a doctoral and leadership training programme in Zimbabwe for students from several Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries.

From left: Mr Andy Sutton and Mr Ockert Berry of Ford with Professor Glen Bright and Professor Christina Trois.

Mechanical Engineers Get New Set of Wheels for “Driverless” Research

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Mechanical Engineers on the Howard College campus are excited about their newly acquired 4x4 double cab which will be used in research to develop driverless vehicles.

Professor Purshottama Reddy receiving a certificate from DDP’s Senior Project Office Ms Sarah Watson.

UKZN and Democracy Development Programme Strategic Partnership Bears Fruit

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The Democracy Development Programme (DDP) recognised UKZN’s School of Management, Information Technology and Governance’s contribution in its development initiatives during the programme’s 20th anniversary celebrations recently held in Durban.

Professor Gregory Kamwendo and Dr Monica Otu at the African Languages Colloquium.

Interesting research presented at African Languages Colloquium

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Dean and Head of the School of Education, Professor Gregory Kamwendo, and Dr Monica Otu of the School of Social Sciences recently presented their research papers at the African Languages colloquium at UKZN.

Professor Sozinho Matsinhe delivers a keynote address at the African Languages Colloquium.

True Linguistic Equity Needed in Africa, says Languages Professor

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“African Languages and the Struggles for Democracy in Africa: the Enemy from Within”, was the title of a keynote address by Executive Secretary of the African Academy of Languages...

Dr Aldrin Mutembei gives the keynote address at the College of Humanities African Languages Colloquium.

African Languages - the Gateway to Development

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The Director of the Institute of Kiswahili Studies, Dr Aldrin Mutembei, delivered a keynote address at the recent College of Humanities African Languages colloquium.

Professor Radhamany Sooryamoorthy at his Inaugural Lecture with the College of Humanities Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Cheryl Potgieter.

Scientific Collaboration in SA – Theme of Inaugural Lecture

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Professor Radhamany Sooryamoorthy of the School of Social Sciences gave his Inaugural Lecture at the Howard College Theatre.

Professor Gregory Kamwendo.

UKZN Academic Appointed to Editorial Advisory Board of Encyclopaedia

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UKZN academic, Professor Gregory Kamwendo, has been appointed to serve on the international editorial advisory board for the third edition of the...